4 Ways You Can Achieve A Healthy Work-Life Balance

Create Boundaries

It is important to have boundaries in every aspect of our lives, whether that be inside our outside of work. If possible, try to give yourself a clear working day every day. For example, work Monday – Friday 8am-4pm. This creates a boundary between work and life and can help encourage you to step away from work after 4pm every day and make weekends solely about yourself, your family, your hobbies, and vacations. This can help you to resist the urge to send emails after your working day or on Saturday’s.


To stay more organised, and calm a busy mind, you should set certain priorities inside and outside of work to ensure the important things that need done, get done within working hours. This helps you to stay focused within your working day and setting realistic goals will improve your overall performance. You should also set personal priorities, and make sure you tick them off of your list when it comes to your life outside of the office and ensure not to intervene professional and personal priorities with one another.

Set Aside Time For Yourself

It is important that everyone takes time for themselves weekly, even daily. It is great to have ambition and put time and effort into your professional career, but it is as equally important to take time to practice self-care. Set aside time to do the things that you enjoy and that bring you happiness. Whether this may be meeting up with friends or staying in and catching up on Netflix, always set aside time to do this.

Say ‘No’ When Necessary

If you are a people pleaser, and are constantly burnt out due to workload, and taking on too many tasks, you must learn to say no. Before agreeing to take on more work, really take time to evaluate whether or not you actually have spare time after your own work has been completed and do you have time in your dedicated working hours for this? When you learn to set boundaries with your work life, it creates a calmer, less stressful environment.